Get Into Flow. (GIF)
I support you in developing your potential and finding flow: Into a state where they are efficient with their resources, they do the right things, they are more authentic as well as more visible and they balance their life. In other words. It's on. As often as possible. Professionally and privately. And accepting it if it doesn't go well once in a while. To learn from it in order to get back into the flow. With the right solution strategies.
Groundbreaking: the flow theory
Flow is that indescribable feeling that an activity is effortless, that you become one with this activity. Athletes know flow, managers, craftsmen, surgeons, children and young people too. Virtually everyone knows this feeling. And everyone wants this state of efficiency, balance and identification with what they are doing. But it is too rare and usually ends much too quickly. The desire to prolong this state or to experience it more often is present in most of us consciously or at least subconsciously.
The happiness researcher Mihály Csíkszentmihályi is considered the creator of the flow theory, which he derived from observation different areas of life, including from Surgeons and Extreme athletes . ... Today his theory is also for engaged in purely intellectual activities.
Source: Wikipedia
Flow (German "fließen, rinnen, stömen") describes the feeling of happiness experienced as a mental one State complete immersion ( concentration )and complete absorption in an activity ("absorption"), which as if by itself goes - in other words, something like a frenzy of creativity or activity or a lust for function.
The theory emphasizes the fit between person and task. It depends on the individual employees and theirs Skills depend on whether a task is well designed. What is right for one person leads to another to the feeling of being overwhelmed. Csikszentmihalyi has this interaction between task and person described.